Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


Common Discomforts of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is associated with a few common problems related to hormonal changes and the growing baby. The following are suggestions to help you deal with these discomforts. If, however, at any time you have questions, you may call the office and speak to your physician.


Nausea and Vomiting

      • Before getting out of bed, eat a few crackers, a handful of dry cereal, or a piece of bread. These can be placed at the bedside the night before.
      • Try to eat at least every 2 hours.
      • Eat small frequent meals and avoid long periods without food.
      • Drink plenty of fluids.
      • Avoid large, heavy meals. Do not recline after meals.
      • Avoid greasy, fried foods.
      • Eat lightly seasoned foods; avoid a lot of pepper, garlic, chili powder, etc.


      • Eat small frequent meals and avoid highly spiced foods.
      • Do not recline immediately after meals.
      • If it is severe, your doctor may recommend an antacid (Tums or Mylanta) or other medications.


      • Eat foods high in fiber such as bran, whole grains, nuts, beans, dark green leafy vegetables (lettuce, endive, cabbage), fresh and dried fruit (prunes, apples, raisins or apricots).
      • Drink large amounts of water (greater than 8 glasses a day) between meals.
      • Add Metamucil, Citrucel, Fibercon, or Colace tablets to your daily regimen if necessary.
      • DO NOT use enemas, laxatives, or other drugs without consulting your doctor.


      • Take lukewarm baths in 3-4 inches of water.
      • Relief may also be obtained with Tucks pads or Anusol cream.

Leg Cramps

      • Stretching exercises can help prevent leg cramps.
      • For immediate relief, sharply flex your foot pointing your toes toward face until the cramp goes away.
      • Massage and heat may also help.
      • Make sure you are taking at least 1200 mg of calcium daily plus one serving of potassium containing foods (i.e. bananas or dried fruit).


      • Always concentrate on standing up straight, pulling your abdominal muscles in and pushing your shoulders back.
      • Periodic rest, back rubs and heat also help.

Vaginal Discharge

      • This is normal (if it is white) in pregnancy due to the increase in hormones.
      • If you experience severe itching, burning, or leakage of clear fluid, notify your doctor.

Urinary Frequency

      • Early and late in pregnancy, you go to the bathroom more often because the baby and uterus are pressing on your bladder. This is normal. Try not to drink a lot of liquids two hours or less before bedtime.

Varicose Veins

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